The 19th Annual General Meeting of the World Halal Council (WHC), which was established in 1999, was held in Istanbul between 11-13 November 2023.


WHC members, who come together once a year, shared information and opinions at the general assembly by conveying the developments in Halal certification in their regions. For this purpose, each member presented information about the activities they carried out in their region and the work they planned to do next.

At the Annual General Meeting of WHC, the following issues were agreed upon:

Initiatives will be taken by the United Nations, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation and similar institutions to ensure that World Halal Day, which was proposed and accepted by GIMDES in 2013, is internationally recognized and widely celebrated as the 17th of Ramadan.

Members will promote 17 Ramadan World Halal Day in their own countries and regions and organize special activities for this day.

The 20th Annual General Meeting of WHC will be held in Durban, South Africa, hosted by SANHA.

At the Annual General Meeting in 2024, the elections of WHC’s board members will be renewed.

Since the concept of halal is an Islamic concept, any document issued by institutions established, operated or partnered by non-Muslims or in which they participate as auditors will not be accepted by any member.

Technical and Sharia committees will conduct a detailed examination of “lab grown meat”, also known as artificial meat, and present it to the information of the members.

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